Sonntag, 22. August 2010

BUBBLEARMY Greenworld Poster!

BUBBLEARMY Greenworld poster now available! COMMANDER, JOHN, ROCK, CRUSHER, BANG and BUTCH on their mission to beautify your home.
Specifics: DinA3 (297x420 mm) Fullcolour lithoprinted on 170gsm Paper. Visit our shop!

Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010


BUBBLEARMY Toefluff was featured in the latest Digital Artist Magazine( Nr.8). Visit for more info about the Toefluff project!

Samstag, 5. Juni 2010

BANG Iphone wallpaper

New BUBBLEARMY Iphone/Ipod Wallpaper! BANG!
BANG is a guy who gets always in trouble. He enters a room and… bang! something happens. In a fight you can rely on him. Let the chaos cross the enemy lines. :)

Samstag, 29. Mai 2010

Commander IPhone Wallpaper

Created a new Iphone wallpaper.
We will post from now on every Saturday a new gimmick : ) So stay tuned!

Montag, 26. April 2010

Toe Fluff

Toe Fluff joins the BUBBLEARMY. Our custom for Steve Rack's 'Toe Fluff' exhibition. Check out for more information about this green project.

Freitag, 9. April 2010

Watch the little Interview Yvonne Koall made with BUBBLEARMY Creator Sascha Preuß.
Kleines Interview, das Yvonne Koall von der Rheinische Post mit dem BUBBLEARMY Zeichner Sascha Preuß gedreht hat.
Dazu noch ein Artikel in der Rheinisch Post. BUBBLEARMY Power!
Leverkusen: Comickünstler malt niedliche Figuren (RP ONLINE, 08.04.2010)

Donnerstag, 8. April 2010

BUBBLEARMY now on Facebook!

Sorry but the BUBBLEARMY Fanpage is only for the real BUBBLEARMY Fans. Just for people who love to watch beautiful green guys and help them to take over the world. Is that you? Join us on Facebook!!

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010